ek ke peechhe ek example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of ek ke peechhe ek 1. और रोज़ेदारों की पंक्तियाँ एक के पीछे एक न जाने कहाँ तक चली गई हैं, पक्की जगत के नीचे तक, जहाँ जाजिम भी नहीं है। 2. और रोजेदारों की पंक्तियॉँ एक के पीछे एक न जाने कहॉँ वक चली गई हैं, पक्की जगत के नीचे तक, जहॉँ जाजम भी नहीं है। 1. Foreigners are alternately one and the other 2. He played alternately on two particularly valuable instruments, a Stradivarius from 1727, the Titan, and Giuseppe Guarneri from 1744, the Hemmel 3. Some plants are equipped to alternately use one or the other of these primary fuels 4. The political forces in the traditional two-party system, the two government parties alternately held power for periods less equal 5. The result was a concept that was thought alternately

Given are the examples of hindi word ek ke peechhe ek usage in english sentences. The examples of ek ke peechhe ek are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., tandem, bumper to bumper, in tandem.